When good Photoshop goes bad

My husband’s a photographer, and since the big switch to digital, we get into a lot of conversations about the manipulation of images. His approach is simply to take good pictures and then enhance minimally to bring out what’s already there, much as film photographers have always done in the darkroom. You can check out… Continue reading When good Photoshop goes bad

Olympic Boos? Not in Canada

Apparently I’m not the only one missing the Olympics. All over the net, I’m running into blogs and articles and posts about the amazing two weeks here, and I’m not even out looking for them. They just seem to turn up. One thing I’ve seen a couple of times is major kudos to Canadians for… Continue reading Olympic Boos? Not in Canada

After the Olympics

Like many Vancouverites I know, I’m suffering a bit of Olympic withdrawal today. I sat down with my cup of tea first thing this morning, mentally all set for my morning Olympic update, and there was, of course, none to be had. Back to reality. I’ve been thinking a lot today about what I want… Continue reading After the Olympics

An Olympic Week

Before the opening ceremonies exceeded even my loftiest expectations and before Frederic Bilodeau and the rest of Canada got to celebrate his little brother’s gold medal, Canada’s first at an Olympics on home soil, my week was already wrapped up in Olympic celebrations. It’s been a lot of fun. First, last Wednesday, my dad got… Continue reading An Olympic Week

8 Things

I’m a bit slow with this one, but my friend Pam at A Novel Woman recently posted this and invited readers to participate, so I decided to give it a shot. And then I forgot all about it until I found myself with a little time today and remembered. Like Pam, I won’t tag anyone,… Continue reading 8 Things

Books and music

Just came home from a Friday night outing to the bookstore. Does that sound pathetic? Probably not if you’re one of my friends, who is just as likely to spend free time at the bookstore as I am. To the rest of the world, perhaps, but I enjoyed it. I love shopping for books. Love… Continue reading Books and music

If I didn't have you

I meant to post this before Christmas, but the time got away from me, and I missed the chance. And then I forgot. But when I was chatting with my friend kc dyer today, she happened to mention Tim Minchin, and that reminded me. You may already be familiar with the Australian comic, but he’s… Continue reading If I didn't have you

The Routine Life

We’re working on housebreaking our puppy at the moment. It’s awfully reminiscent of potty training a toddler: the adults learn to adhere to a new routine to promote success in the toddler, whether she’s human or canine. The process has, of course, disrupted my usual routines and made me really aware of how ritualized my… Continue reading The Routine Life

Back from Away

Well, not away, exactly, but I was offline over the holidays, and am playing catch up today. Apparently not everyone went offline for a few days when I did; there’s a lot of stuff out there to catch up on! Happy new year! I’m excited about 2010. Ten months from now marks my first Surrey… Continue reading Back from Away

Puppy update

Several people have asked me how the puppy’s doing, so here’s an update: In the four weeks we’ve had her, she’s just about doubled in size, from 5 ½ pounds to 9, and that was last week at the vet, so she’s probably closer to double now. Life is really difficult for Sadie, as she… Continue reading Puppy update

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