Help My Husband Make a Movie

Hello, all!

Probably easiest to let my husband speak for himself here, since he knows the details. His note is below. If you’re able to help with a few minutes of your time, either by becoming a fan to support Hyde+Seek yourself (details below) or simply passing the information along to others who might be interested, I’d really appreciate it! Thank you. 🙂


Hey friends and family,

As you may know, I’m entered in the Cinecoup movie contest with a great local production cast and crew. The prize is $1M in funding to complete the movie, called Hyde+Seek, and and make its way to a theatre near you!

We would love your support to help take us through several voting rounds as we progress to the final stages for consideration. There will be many future challenges and hoops that the team have to jump through to prove we’re worthy of the ultimate prize.

I think we have a really great science fiction Jekyll and Hyde concept that should be an intelligent and thrilling ride into the near future, where the lines between humanity and technology get blurred. What happens when always-on connectivity and implanted bio-technology get hacked?

You can watch our 60-second trailer here:

How you can support us:

A) Fans… Please sign up as a Fan on Cinecoup if you can. Fan votes and ratings have more impact than non-Fans, but you have to review and comment on OTHER projects to validate your Fan status. Please ask any of your film critic/most supportive friends to take this step in support of us. Unlike Kickstarter or Indiegogo, we aren’t asking for money, just support through likes, shares and referrals.

B) Non-Fans… as above mentions, sharing the video page even without the viewers’ ability to rate/review helps.

Thanks so much for the support, and please pass this on to others through email, Facebook, or Twitter. 🙂


Twitter: @hydeseekmovie

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