After much discussion and deliberation, we finished the shortlists for the fiction and non-fiction sections of the writing contest at the SiWC, the two categories for which I volunteer as a reader. Now karen, the conference – and contest! – coordinator gets the very pleasant job of notifying the people whose stories have been shortlisted. Congrats to all of them.
Reading for the contest is a fascinating professional development exercise for me every year. There’s nothing quite like reading a mind-numbing number of stories back-to-back to highlight what works and what doesn’t, and the task never fails to motivate my own writing.
What works?
– Consistency. Consistent voice. Consistently good use of language. Consistent verb tense. Consistent mood and tone.
– Plausibility. I don’t care how bizarre the world of your story may be; if you make me believe it’s real, I’ll go with you. (see also: consistency)
– Coming full-circle by creating an ending that works with the flow of the story.
– Meeting the guidelines. Keep your word count within the published upper AND LOWER limits.
There’s $1000 prize for the first place winners of our contest, so it’s well worth putting pen to paper for next year.
I love the new blog — and your insights are profound. Welcome to the next step, baby!