Happy new year! The fact that I’m saying so on the 14th of January should give you some idea how busy the first two weeks of 2013 have turned out to be. I’m currently researching my next WIP, reading whatever and wherever my subconscious takes me to try to make sense of the hints of a… Continue reading Rod Stewart on Writing
Tag: reading
Chacun son goût
My next door neighbours are a couple in their eighties. They’re the best possible sort of neighbours to have in lots of ways. They’re quiet, friendly, warm, and exactly the sort whose home we happily watch when they’re away and who do the same for us. They’re also interesting people. They’re into everything from helping… Continue reading Chacun son goût
Memorable Reads
Read anything good lately? I’ve been making a bit of a dent in my TBR pile. That’s not to say I haven’t added more to the pile as quickly as (*cough* more quickly than) I’ve taken some out, but still… The past few months of reading have brought a mix from meh to marvellous. Nothing… Continue reading Memorable Reads
Reading Idiosyncrasies
I know people who always have several different books on the go, sometimes one for work, one for the car, one for home… I am not one of those people. When it comes to reading, I’m a serial monogamist, one book at a time. Reading my one book at a time today, I realized something… Continue reading Reading Idiosyncrasies
Choosing Happy
My name is Kathy, and I read romance. I read other stuff, too, but for the purposes of this post, I’m going to focus on the love story part of my insatiable reading habit. I’ve never picked up a traditional Harlequin category romance, I must admit, though I’m sure there are lots of great ones… Continue reading Choosing Happy